7 important tips for buying a Fake Chanel bag

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Tips for buying a Fake Chanel bag
(New & Vintage)

Some of you may have already seen it on Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat: At the end of the year I fulfilled a small, big dream and invested in a second Chanel bag. I bought both my new Chanel Timeless Vintage from 1995 and my black boy bag made of caviar leather online and second hand.fake designer bags

Since the new year will definitely bring new wishes and dreams, I thought it might be nice and helpful for you if I wrote a little Chanel bag buying guide with tips for you. Should one or the other play with the idea of getting a Chanel bag 🙂

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1. The Provider

Just spontaneously buy a fake Chanel bag? Unfortunately, that usually doesn’t work. In order to maintain exclusivity, Chanel bags are only available in a few sales outlets or with a few sales partners. On the one hand, of course, there are the Chanel stores worldwide and some second-hand online shops where you can buy used or vintage bags and second-hand bags. Chanel itself does not yet have its own online shop. So pay attention to which shops you look around in when buying online. Be sure to check whether the online shop appears trustworthy and whether the products have been checked for authenticity by specialist staff beforehand.

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2. The price

The prices for fake Chanel bags have risen incredibly in recent years, so that today you have to shell out a good €2,500 to €3,000 (or more) for a new bag. Of course, you can always get a “bargain” in the second-hand sector, but the prices here are never below €1000 on average. Have you discovered a Chanel bag for €500? This is too good to be true. Don’t let the price fool you, bags with these prices are most likely fake or no longer in good condition.

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3. The serial number & the certificate of authenticity

One of the most important characteristics of a real Chanel bag is the serial number. This has existed since the mid-80s and is located inside the bag. It is also printed on a so-called authenticity card, which is or should be included with the purchase of a Chanel bag. Especially with old vintage bags, it can happen from time to time that there is no longer a card and only the serial number is inside the bag (always in the lower left corner or on the zip pocket). If both, i.e. card and number, are in the bag, both numbers must match. If neither of the two is available, don’t buy it! The sticker in the bag has changed visually over the years. An overview of the different stickers of the years can be found here.

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4. The logo

Of course, the legendary CC logo is unmistakable on Chanel bags (there are also models with a clasp without a CC). No matter which bag you choose, you should definitely take a close look at the logo. It usually consists of two opposing but interlocking C’s. Depending on the year in which the bag was made, the logo can also appear on the inside of the bag (more often with vintage models) and the metal hardware is also engraved with the logo or the replica Chanel lettering. Be sure to check the quality of the logo as well. It should be cleanly processed and make a high-quality impression.

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5. The color

If you have discovered a bag on the Internet, be sure to google the model again and look at more pictures. You can check the color here. Fakes often deviate from the original color and are darker or lighter than the original.

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6. The look

Characteristic of a genuine Fake Chanel bag is that the pattern is repeated on the bag. This means that the quilted pattern typical of Chanel always runs in one line and is not interrupted or overlapped. Even if, for example, a pocket has been sewn on the back, the pattern is not interrupted, but continues one to one without interruption. Attention should also be paid to the “stitching”, i.e. the quality and quantity of the seams. A genuine Chanel bag has at least ten stitches per inch.

The popular classics in black such as the Chanel Boy, the Timeless and of course the 2.55 are particularly at risk – this is the one most often imitated, which is why it is particularly important to ensure that it is not a fake.

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7. The material

Last but not least: how does the bag feel? Does it smell cheap, like plastic or glue? Then she’s a fake! Genuine Chanel bags are only made from high-quality materials such as calfskin. My Chanel Timeless model is not made of leather but of fabric, but it also feels incredibly high-quality. It is thick, of high quality and still in great shape, even though the bag is 21 years old.


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