A gift from me for me: My first Chanel bag

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I fell in love earlier this week. head over heels. And even if I would almost never describe happiness in connection with material things, I have to say that something material has been making me very happy for the past few days. But from the beginning. As you know, I cracked the big 3 three months ago. A special life milestone for me, for which I also wanted to give myself something special. fake designer bags

I’ve been working in the fashion industry for more than 10 years now and despite all the temptations I come into contact with every day, I rarely let myself be tempted to make ill-considered purchases. I’m not someone who buys a special piece “just because”. A special piece needs a special occasion, and that brings us back to my 30th birthday. I’ve been toying with the idea of buying a Chanel bag for a very, very long time, and this big birthday seemed like the perfect occasion for “a bag for life”.

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And even if I think the classics from Chanel are beautiful, I had neither the Boy Bag nor the 2.55 in mind. At least not in the classic version. I rummaged through the current collections for a long time and clicked through the illustrious range of numerous vintage shops. On Monday I paid a visit to the Munich store to take a “real” look at a few of the models I had selected online.

And suddenly there was this bag. A model that I had never seen before and that was not officially on sale yet. “I still have another variant” said the saleswoman and took it out of the dust bag: The perfect “Sarah” bag. Classic black, but with a colorful attention to detail. Exactly the replica bags I was looking for. The perfect gift from me to me for my 30th birthday. Hello fulfilled bag dream!

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