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Just as makeup is a woman’s best friend, when it comes to beauty, handbags are the finishing touch to any outfit she plans to wear, no matter the occasion. Chanel replica designer bags are considered world fashion icons and if you don’t already have a model, you need to,

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While the quilted pattern was reserved for older/more mature women,

Chanel has turned this bag style into a highly sought-after design for modern fashionistas. Diamonds may last forever, but classic Chanel handbags last a lifetime.

Just a few years ago,

Chanel’s quilted handbags were a silent fashion faux pas reserved for our aunts and grandmothers. Today, these bags have become a must-have around the world. The renowned designers of Chanel handbags add texture and depth to any look you wear!

In today’s post, we’ll show you how to combine your Chanel bag with your everyday looks! Remembering that Chanel bags are ideal for more than one occasion, as they are timeless, modern, classic, discreet. And no matter what your style… you’re sure to find a Chanel bag to call your own!

1.The classic Chanel bag 2.55

The Chanel 2.55 bag is, without a doubt, one of the greatest classics of the French brand! This Chanel quilted bag features a timeless retro look and an interlocking chain strap. You can use it as a crossbody bag or a small shoulder bag by folding the chain strap,

which is super stylish and fashionable.

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The padded leather comes with a flap and is available in a variety of colors to choose from. This Chanel bag can be super practical for a night look, like a party or happy hour with friends. Who doesn’t share Chanel’s love of shoulder straps? Choose the 2.55 and transport your essentials quickly with style and good taste!

2.The elegance of the Chanel Flap Bag

The Chanel Single Flap Shoulder Bag is a beautiful padded bag that gives you that feeling of well being wearing yet another great classic from the French brand. This Chanel bag comes in several different colors with premium quality quilted pebble leather and comes with an adjustable silver-tone shoulder strap.

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With an exterior slip pocket on the back and an interior zipped pocket, the Chanel Flap Bag is a very stylish option for any outfit and occasion! Chanel’s stylish and functional magnetic closure makes protecting your sundries easy!

3.The modernity of Chanel Boy

Chanel Boy is a super elegant and sophisticated bag, whether to go out during the day or at night. This structured bag is perfectly crafted with 100% leather, a fake chanel bag that’s a hit the world over! A versatile piece that will add a touch of elegance to your style, be it casual or chic!

This luxury version is full of quality and attitude, with crocodile-embossed leather prints, detailed with a gold chain strap, etal hardware and the iconic Chanel logo on the outside. The lined interior has a functional zippered pocket. The Chanel Boy Bag is a bold and gorgeous bag, available in a wide range of colors, made to suit every taste!

4.The practicality of the Chanel Grand Shopping Tote

The Grand Shopping Tote (or GST for short) is one of the roomiest — and most coveted — styles in Chanel handbag history. Discontinued in 2015 to the disappointment of many Chanel lovers,

it’s now one of the most sought-after styles on the secondary market – so if you find one in a vintage shop or luxury thrift shop, don’t hesitate to make it your own!

This Chanel bag goes great with those trips to the mall/ when you go shopping and if you need to use a big and roomy bag in your day to day!

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5.The beauty of Chanel Gabrielle

Karl Lagerfeld’s homage to Mademoiselle herself, the Gabrielle became an instant Chanel classic when it debuted during the collection’s 2017 show. The distinctive shape of this Chanel bag was inspired by the structured silhouette of a binocular box.

Chanel Gabrielle’s supple leather body allows for a satisfyingly relaxed posture when swayed with one arm, but the rigid,

molded base ensures your smallest belongings are easy to locate at the base of the bag, making it ideal for a night out or a party at a friend’s house. for example!

Notably, the Gabrielle bag was the first Chanel bag to be positioned as a unisex style, with Pharrell Williams starring in the campaign. Its practical silhouette and robust,

antique hardware – the long handle allows for extremely versatile carrying – opened the fashion house to a younger audience!

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