Buying a Fake Chanel bag: Timeless or 2.55?

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Buying a Chanel bag is the dream of many fashionistas and luxury fans. I think like me, many of you consider the iconic Chanel bags to be the holy grail of luxury bags to have in your wardrobe. A small dream that would be almost unattainable over time when we see that prices are increasing more and more every year. replica handbags

Personally, I think that buying a Chanel bag deserves real thought, in order to make the right choices in terms of size, material, color and style. Whether you want to buy a new or second-hand model.

My heart always swings between the Timeless or “Classic Bag” and the 2.55, which is why I did a lot of research in this direction. I thought I would share the results of my investigations with you on the blog. In particular, I have prepared a table of dimensions which could prove to be very useful for comparing the different models with each other.

Guide and tips for buying a Chanel bag

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Timeless and 2.55: two different styles

The main point that makes me hesitate between buying a Timeless or a 2.55 is their style. A common base, of course, with the iconic quilted, but some details like the clasp and the chain that differentiate them.

The iconic clasps

The 2.55, the older of the two models, was created in February 1955 and features the famous rectangular “Mademoiselle” clasp engraved with the name of the house. More discreet, more casual and almost more iconic, I appreciate its more confidential aspect.

The Timeless Classique is the work of Karl Lagerfeld who brings the double C back to center stage with this much more equivocal clasp. More vintage, more luxury, but also more conspicuous, I love it but I find it less easy to assume on a daily basis.

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Chains that change the style

Another major difference between the Timeless and the 2.55: their chains which act as handles.

Note that the sizes of these are different, even if you opt for a “Medium” model on both sides, the length of the chains will not necessarily be the same. This is something to take into consideration, depending on the carrying modes that interest you for your bag, in particular for the crossbody.

The 2.55 has a Mademoiselle chain with flat links, which I find very modern, even more so than that of the Timeless. This chain gives it a little rock side.

As for the Timeless, it has a chain with wider links and in a more elegant and classic style. These intertwine a leather strap.

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The most commonly used materials

Of course, the Chanel house offers many variations of the Timeless Classique and 2.55 bags. However, it should be noted that for the “classic iconic” models, the Timeless will be made of smooth lambskin or grained caviar leather. While the 2.55 will be in aged calfskin.

This is precisely what I am wondering about, because if the 2.55 would suit me better for its modern and discreet side, I am not a fan of aged leather and its crumpled effect. What do you think ?

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