I hope you’re doing well ! replica designer bags
If you follow me on my Instagram account , you could see lately that I gave myself a nice gift for my 30th birthday.
Indeed, I invested in a colorful Chanel bag for my birthday, an East West Chocolate Bar model in printed canvas. I think it dates from the years 2000-2010 (I have no more info). I loved its shape and its vintage print.
I found it on Vestiaire Collective, with a little patience. In this article, I share my tips with you!
I wanted to talk to you about the few tricks I’ve put in place to find the rare second-hand pearl, at a really cool price. I was able to pay my Chanel bag €700 thanks to an offer from the saleswoman, and it was basic at €990. You should know that canvas or fabric bags are less expensive than leather so that gives you an access door to a luxury bag for less than 1,500 €. That’s what I found on the internet.
My tips for finding a second-hand fake chanel bag on Vestiaire Collective
Go regularly to consult the news or receive alerts
By putting your locations in the wishlist or in the site’s favourites, you automatically receive price reductions! I confess that this is how I saw that the saleswoman of my bag had made me an offer. You can choose to receive them by email or SMS. You have to choose what is most convenient for you. Personally, I’m always on my emails, so I quickly chose.
Another solution, if you are addicted to your phone, is to do as I do with Vinted: check out the news all the time. In this case, I sort by news to see only the new articles posted.
Set a maximum price for your purchase to stay within a defined budget
It’s fine to want to buy a second-hand bag, but I wasn’t going to start looking at bags at €4,000 when I can’t afford to pay that price. No interest and frankly, at this stage, it’s hurting yourself! I set myself a maximum budget, and then I put my maximum price in the price category. In this way, there is no chance of having items that exceed your budget.
If it’s your first time watching, I advise you to start with the highest price to the lowest and put aside your favorites. Once you’ve watched everything, the next time you go to the site, all you have to do is sort by what’s new!
Negotiate the price reasonably
I would never have dared to offer 700 € instead of 990 € to the saleswoman who offered me this price. I must say that sometimes you have to dare to negotiate! Negotiate reasonably and always very politely. (I’m not teaching you anything haha)
However, this is not possible on all items. I spotted a super nice Timeless in blue canvas but covered in holes. In addition, it was impossible to negotiate with the saleswoman, because the button was not clickable.
I went my way, because it was out of the question to put 1200 € in a bag with holes everywhere. Same with a vintage tweed bag TOTALLY threadbare at the back.replica designer bags
I also found it scandalous to sell a bag in such poor condition! No surprise: check the photos carefully and ask for more if you have trouble seeing the rendering.
Avoid customs fees and tick shipping from Europe
Erwan got tricked once to give me shoes that came from the USA via Vestiaire Collective… We ended up with customs fees of over €100.
This is to say if the good deal was no longer as interesting as that!
It is better to pay more but be sure not to have any additional costs.
And for some time, it’s easy, we no longer spend 3 hours checking off all the nearby countries, there is the “sustainable” option for shipping from Europe! Too practical.
Use Vestiaire Collective’s payment option in 3 to 4 instalments
I know that this option can be a concern for some of you… However, I must tell you in all transparency that without this option, I would not have been able to afford this purchase. Or is it psychological?
Anyway, I was able to take the payment option in installments which is available from 300 € of purchase. I had already done this for my phone and it was very useful.
It’s up to you, but it can be a solution :)replica designer bags