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The upcoming cold seasons bring rain and nasty weather, but for fashion lovers,

they also bring new collections from your favorite brands. The house of Chanel has given us a look at its fall/winter collection before, but now, it’s officially out. Naturally, the eyes of fashionistas around the world are fixed on the new releases. As devoted bag fans, we will pay special attention to the Chanel Fall/Winter 2023 bag collection and focus on its styles and prices.replica designer hand bags

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The first photos of the collection surfaced in mid-summer, along with news that Chanel is raising prices globally for a second time in July 2023, leaving us to wonder how the brand’s creative director Virginie Viard and her team plan to mitigate. The hit. Yes, you heard that right: the fall/winter collection is usually introduced in July. Sounds a bit confusing, right? watch replicas uk

Here is the calendar that the fashion world follows:

The spring/summer season lasts from January to June
The fall/winter season lasts from July to December
Throughout the years, the House of Chanel remains true to the aesthetic of Mademoiselle Coco, who spent her entire life making avant-garde clothing and accessories for women. Straight silhouettes, never-changing black, classic lines and tweed. However, each collection has its own message to deliver,

and the 2023/22 season heralds a glamorous retro party straight out of the 1970s.

The main motifs of this autumn/winter 2023/22 collection of bags are:

small size handbags
synthetic fur and scissor
The entire color palette, from gray to deep blue
Non-leather materials (there are many of them)
metallic tones
playful codes
shimmer and shine vibes
contrasting materials
As we can see, the entire collection is perfect to rock it at a fashion event or even at a nightclub. Quite an interesting and bold approach to cold seasons where we normally expect cozy vibes.

Fall/Winter 2023 Bag Collection

If you are looking for something exclusive for your luxury bag collection, The House of Chanel will provide you with a wide choice with their new releases. All the classic shapes were included in the recent collection:

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The diversity of colours, materials and details is truly enormous, which is why we have decided to group all the goods according to the models. The next part of our Chanel Fall/Winter 2023 bag collection talk is all about styles and prices.

Chanel Fall/Winter 2023: Classic Flap

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The FLAP bag is an exclusive model of the luxury brand. No wonder it has been included in the upcoming collection in a wide range of materials and sizes. There’s actually quite a choice for fashionistas: classic black colors in premium quality leather to match a winter outfit, cozy tweed and wool options for fall days, and lots of sequins for bold fashionistas and avant-garde. fake chanel bag

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Chanel 2.55 has fewer material variations than the flap bag, but surprises with a great palette of deep noble colors: snowy white and gray for neutral winter outfits, stunning burgundy red and shimmering metallic copper shades for shimmering fall. And, of course, iconic black, Coco Chanel’s personal favourite.

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This model has always been exceptional in the list of classic Chanel bags. The boldest and most courageous color ideas are usually the hallmarks of Chanel Boy. This fall/winter season, fashionistas are going to rock this silhouette in the juicy shades of navy blue, fuchsia, carrot, light purple, emerald green, there’s not a single chance to go unnoticed!

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