Zara clones the fake Chanel bag that every summer becomes a ‘best seller’

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That Chanel bags are a luxury item within the reach of a privileged handful is not a secret to anyone. However, this does not prevent these objects of desire, with their recognizable geometric motif created through a thread-based stitching, from being on the wish list of all kinds of fashion followers.fake designer bags

In fact, what began as an icon of the most classic style has been able to reinvent itself, maintaining its essence to adapt to all types of consumers and situations. And with this strategy it continues to form part of the wardrobes of the new generations.

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Following this motto, in 2018 the house revisited its most recognizable accessory to adapt it to the summer season. The result of this process was the launch of the fun Chanel Coco Splash, a model with renewed airs, fresh and different. The most notable change compared to her brothers is that the characteristic leather is replaced by pvc dyed in appetizing fluorine colours.

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Zara clones the Chanel bag that every summer becomes a ‘best seller’

The Spanish firm has launched a version of this supplement, priced at 3,000 euros, for less than twenty-three.

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That Chanel bags are a luxury item within the reach of a privileged handful is not a secret to anyone. However, this does not prevent these objects of desire, with their recognizable geometric motif created through a thread-based stitching, from being on the wish list of all kinds of fashion followers.

In fact, what began as an icon of the most classic style has been able to reinvent itself, maintaining its essence to adapt to all types of consumers and situations. And with this strategy it continues to form part of the wardrobes of the new generations.

Yana, from the blog ‘La vie du papillon’, with Chanel’s most summery model.
Yana, from the blog ‘La vie du papillon’, with Chanel’s most summery model. Social networks

Following this motto, in 2018 the house revisited its most recognizable accessory to adapt it to the summer season. The result of this process was the launch of the fun Chanel Coco Splash, a model with renewed airs, fresh and different. The most notable change compared to its brothers is that the characteristic leather is replaced by pvc dyed in appetizing fluorine colours.

Since its launch, this model has become a best-seller every year regardless of the hefty price on its label: no less than 3,000 euros. But the truth is that, despite sweeping sales, its cost is reason enough for many consumers to rule out getting it. For them – and for everyone – this summer there is good news: Zara has launched an option B, very worth considering. The best thing is that its price does not exceed 23 euros.

The Galician firm, always attentive to the great sales successes of luxury houses, has wanted to add the coconut splash effect and has created its own version of it. It is a medium-sized bag with an outer vinyl body and an independent inner body that imitates the characteristic padding of the French brand. The piece is available in three colors: cream, blue and pink. This version of the Inditex firm also incorporates another trend that is being seen in many of Zara’s bag proposals: large chain links as a handle.

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With this launch, the firm founded by Amancio Ortega (85) not only aesthetically clones the original Chanel model, but also maintains the objective of the firm founded at the beginning of the 20th century, that it be a practical accessory. And it is that both the luxury and the low cost models have three different functionalities: it is possible to use only the outer vinyl body, the inner part separately as a toiletry bag, or both pieces together, showing off the originality of the design throughout. its splendor.

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At the time of writing this article, the three versions of the accessory that appear on the Zara website are available. Along with them, you can also find another, less faithful to the original Chanel model, but with more capacity. In this case, the plastic material is finished off with a black trim.

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